Καλάθι αγορών

Νεοελληνική πεζογραφία μεταφράσεις

Κωδικός: 9786185453015
In 1951 Yannis Zervos arrives back to Greece, a country devasted by occupation and civil war. It is a start of an awareness of Greece and things Greek. It is a journey that takes him back to England where his family had fled during the civil war, to America where his travels included New York, Chica..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:15,00€
Κωδικός: 9789607120335
"AROUND THE LAGOON", which Papadiamandis first published in two instalments in the magazine "Estia" in May 1 892, is one of his most finely crafted and densely written stories. A realistic setting and a flimsy plot are used to support a wealth of highly symbolic content. The physical descriptions of..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:7,00€
Κωδικός: 9789600411966
What happens when three young lawyers set off at night into unknown parts of town in search of a stolen motorcycle? What happens when Minas visits a gay bar together with his uncle, the general - no stranger to the place it seems - or ends up in bed with Gia? When Petros, enjoying an evening away fr..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:7,60€
Κωδικός: 9789605646691
[...] I went out to buy something. It was about five o’clock in the afternoon. Near Taksim Square I saw a large crowd of furious Turks screaming slogans like "Cyprus is Turkish, down with the infidels" and more. I was very scared and I decided to go back home quickly and report it to Mr. Theophilos...
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:12,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185048532
In Georgios Vizyinos' heiter-melancholischen Erzahlung "Die einzige Reise seines Lebens" aus dem Jahr 1884 wird der junge Schneiderlehrling Jorgos aus der Hauptstadt des Osmanischen Reiches, Konstantinopel, in sein Heimatstadtchen gerufen, weil sein Groβvater im Sterben liegen soll. Doch als Jorgos ..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:13,00€
Κωδικός: 9789607872906
Η σειρά ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας στα ιταλικά των Εκδόσεων Αιώρα εμπλουτίστηκε μ' έναν ακόμα τίτλο: "Due racconti di Skiathos" [Δύο διηγήματα της Σκιάθου], που περιλαμβάνει τα διηγήματα του Αλέξανδρου Παπαδιαμάντη "Όνειρο στο κύμα" (Sogno sull'onda) και "Έρωτας στα χιόνια" (Amore sotto la neve). Η έκδοσ..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:8,96€
Κωδικός: 9789606261725
Alfred is just another ordinary teenager. Or so he thinks until his life turns upside down. His father is found dead, his mother is murdered and his brother is abducted. Alfred is the only one who can save him. But how? What should he do? What can he do, when he discovers that nothing is as he thoug..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:16,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185270278
They'd said to him "Take care! You've only got two minutes at your disposal to jump out of the train... You won't look behind you, just forwards to the Greek border. Whatever you hear, whatever happens, you'll run towards the Greek border." He did it all for Marie and his children, he said. Wh..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:10,60€
Κωδικός: 9789605644413
In einer Zeit raschen politischen Wandels und sozialer Unruhen in den fruhen sechziger Jahren in Griechenland verlasst ein junger Mann Athen, um in Deutschland zu studieren. Er hinterlasst Menschen und Orte, die er liebt, auf der Suche nach etwas Neuem, etwas Anderem in einer Welt, die ihm unbekannt..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:11,94€
Κωδικός: 9786185048969
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:14,00€
Κωδικός: 9789600406382
The protagonist in each of these stories is a solitary individual, alienated from society, haunted Dy memurira, fascinated by the disgusting, obsessed with the relationship between love and death, and fetishistically attached to certain objects that bear the traces of traumatic experiences. Ioannou ..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:7,61€
Κωδικός: 9789600411881
This is a complex story of flight. A woman tearing herself away from a major love affair, is driven by the pain of her decision to take a long journey. She leaves the town of Patras, her friends, the bar she worked at, her self as she knew it and hitch-hikes to Epirus in winter, along deserted roads..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:7,61€
Κωδικός: 9789600413335
Kesariani, once you were a star; for a moment you shone in the firmament and then, you vanished for ever into the void of history... There's nothing left. Now you're plastering the last traces of gunshots on your forehead, like an old dog licking its wounds, where the scar has healed." Marios Hak..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:7,61€
Κωδικός: 9786188437616
Hope «In the hope of quickly reciprocating...» A trip to a foreign land. Nicholas, a young farmer who loves music and seeks a life where he can realize his dreams, leaves his great love at home. Gerasimos will lead him into terrible adventures, putting their lives in danger. Yannis, honest and ful..
16,20€ 18,00€
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:16,20€
Κωδικός: 9789601434865
Stefan Dobrin was trained the hard way in absolute secrecy in order to turn into the perfect lethal machine. He never succumbed to his trainers’ illicit causes, that’s why he and his brother were neutralised. Today, Stefan, merciless and relentless, emerges from his ashes, and comes back to get his..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:15,00€
Κωδικός: 9789600412017
That is Acheron? A river in the north-west of Greece, in Epirus, which, in ancient Greek mythology, was the boundary between life and death. What is Kalamas? It too is a river, in the same region, which Byron associated with the Acheron in "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", and History, after a hundred a..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:7,61€
Κωδικός: 9789607872050
Gheorghios Viziinos (1849-1896), uno degli autori piu amati della narrativa greca moderna, viene considerato a buon diritto il padre del racconto realistico neoellenico. Le sue storie sono notevoli per l' approfondimento psicologico dei personaggi, il fascino orientale, la grazia dell' eloquio...
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:13,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185048785
Con la generazione letteraria degli anni Venti fanno il loro ingresso, nella letteratura greca, tematiche quali l’irrazionale, il fantastico, la devianza sociale e sessuale, e l’autodeterminazione fino alla catastrofe. Tra i maggiori autori del periodo spicca Napoleon Lapathiotis, di cui in questo v..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:12,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185369156
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:16,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185369019
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:17,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185048938
Le colonel Liapkine"", qui, par son succes a la fois immediat et durable, assura d’emblee en Grece le renom de son auteur, semble refuser a dessein a son lecteur etranger les cliches d’un pays de mer et de soleil, d’une population festive et insouciante. Ou plutot il parait transferer cette vision m..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:15,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185048198
Μετά τη βραβευμένη μετάφραση του Βιζυηνού, η Ιταλίδα νεοελληνίστηρια Anna Zimbone, καθηγήτρια στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Κατάνια, μεταφράζει στα ιταλικά τέσσερα διηγήματα του Κωνσταντίνου Θεοτόκη. "Πίστομα", "Ακόμα;", "Η παντρειά της Σταλαχτής" και "Αμάρτησε;", καθώς επίσης επίμετρο και χρονολόγιο της ζωή..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:8,96€
Κωδικός: 9786185048280
Δύο διηγήματα του Γεώργιου Βιζυηνού κυκλοφορούν στα γαλλικά από τις Εκδόσεις Αιώρα και σε μετάφραση των Auguste Queux de Saint-Hilaire και Gilles Decorvet, ο οποίος επίσης έγραψε την εισαγωγή και επιμελήθηκε την έκδοση: Το αμάρτημα της μητρός μου και Διατί η μηλιά δεν έγινε μηλέα.O Γεώργιος Βιζυηνός..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:10,00€
Κωδικός: 9786185048556
S’inspirant de sources antiques qui evoquent le celebre peintre grec Apelle, portraitiste d’Alexandre le Grand, Constantin Theotokis fait de ce personnage historique, mais connu seulement par des anecdotes et presque legendaire, une figure allegorique du dilemme de l’artiste, partage entre l’engagem..
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ:9,95€
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